Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bad Tomatoes, Bad Bad Tomatoes!!!

When are tomatoes bad??? When they grow too fast!!!

Apparently Rich's Green thumb has gotten an extra boost over the winter, because these tomato plants are going crazy this year!!!

Let's review:

Posted March 2, 2009

Posted March 24, 2009

Taken Monday, April 6, 2009

The plants are growing fast and healthy. They are nice a bushy, and I'm sure that they are anxious to get outside in the sunshine, but it is just still too cold for that.

Generally they don't grow this fast, and Rich is not all that happy with them for getting big enough that he had to re-pot them again.

Oh well, I guess you either have a green thumb or you don't, and he certainly does!


  1. Nila, I've never left a comment on a blog before--let's just hope I get it right! I read on you sis blog about you going to the Lakefork auction and Robb had just went to that auction and I thought to myself, now who could that be living at Lincoln and posting on a local blog--I just yesterday figured it out when you were talking about Mindy. Hope she is doing ok, Marion just had a cortizone shot in his back in December and he did fine. Oh, by the way, Robb and his family live around Cornland. S. Layman

  2. Well, how very nice to hear from an old friend!!

    Rich and I have lived in Lincoln since 2002.

    Mindy is doing okay, I think. When I talked to her last night she said she was feeling pretty good, a bit sore where they had put the cortizone, but she's hoping that with that, the epidural, and the excercise program they gave her that she'll be back to 100% very soon.

    I kind of have a soft spot for Lake Fork. The little community reminds me a lot of Hidalgo, in that they are very small, don't have much in the way of accomodations in the town itself, but everyone there is very friendly, and most of them are related!

    Mike Maske who is on the Lake Fork Board, and is the head organizaer of that auction is one of my favorite auctioneers.

    And, I am familiar with Cornland. Rich and I have been there a couple of times for yard sales at the fire house if I remember correctly.

    I had no idea that Robb was in this area though, small world isn't it??

    Good to hear from you!
