Saturday, January 16, 2010

Words -- Decatur Illinois

This is one of my favorite blogs for photos.  This fellow is a storm chaser, and produces some wonderful cloud bank pictures and so on.

Right now his last three or four posts are focusing on the recent snows and bone chilling temperatures.  He has a macro lense that is remarkable, and has managed to capture some of the most amazing close up pictures of ice formation, you just MUST take a look!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mount Pulaski Illinois -- How high can they pile it??

I took these pictures in Mount Pulaski Illinois Monday afternoon.  This large pile of snow is the end result of the town cleaning up their streets.

They are doing a really terrific job of making the downtown area available to visitors without forcing them to wade through the white stuff, or park in piles of it!

As you can see the pile is quite high, and I am estimating that the square footage of the lot they are filling is about the same as my entire house!

And, the large area begs the high can they pile it?  And, how long will it last??

Thursday, January 7, 2010

All God's Creatures

With extremely cold temperatures and now a new cover of snow, don't forget to look out for all of God's creatures.

Birds and squirrels are stuggling to find food and will eat nearly everything you toss out to them.

Also don't forget your outdoor pets.  Be sure to keep them safe and as warm as possible, even if it means bringing them in the house with you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Whatever on New Years Day you do, that you'll do the whole year through

Have you heard it said; whatever on New Year's Day you do that you'll do the whole year through?  It's an old saying, I have no clue who first spoke those words, but I do recall that my mom and my grandma both considered it very seriously when the new year rolled around.

The jest of it was, on New Years day you wanted your house clean, dishes done, laundry washed, dried, folded, AND put away, and in general everything in your home in perfect order.

The idea behind it was that if you started the new year with your home in good condition, you'd be able to maintain it all year through.

Well, I've tried it.  It doesn't work.

But this year, I had a thought.  Maybe I'm living in Seinfeld's "Bazzaro World" and in order for me to have a smooth year, I need to do everything just the opposite of what I should.

Regardless, I'll tell you about my day one 2010.

This morning I woke a little before 6.  The hubs was in the bathroom finishing up getting ready for work.  I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling, snuggled deep in my blankies and just relaxed for a few minutes. 

I then had my first thought of the new year.  I thought how thankful I am for a roof over my head, a warm house, a comfy bed, and a husband who is busy in the bathroom getting ready to go to a job that may not be perfect, but then again whose is.

And I thought to myself, this I will do all year through.  I will have a home, a safe place.  I will have a husband whom I love deeply and whom I know loves me. 

What a great way to start the new year!

As I saw Rich off to work, I was thankful for two vehicles that run, and are both paid for, and the garage they sit in so there is no snow or ice for us to have to deal with first thing of a morning, and I thought to myself that for the next year, I will have these things to be thankful for.

Later as I sipped coffee I was thankful for a coffee pot that works and the coffee that is nearly the price of gold right now, yet we had the money to buy it.

Later I was thankful for the washer and dryer in the laundry room that both work, and the clothes that I put in them.

For I now know that for the next year, I will have the ability to cover myself, and to keep those coverings clean.

As I ran hot water into the sink to wash dishes I was grateful that the water bill is paid.  I was also grateful for the real dishes, glasses, cups and silverware that I store in my cabinets everyday.

Earlier in the week I had sat down and paid all the necessary subscriptions we have such as gas, electric, water, sewer, and yes TV and internet.  When I was done, I realized that there was still enough money in the bank to go buy groceries.

So, as I headed out this afternoon to buy a few food items, I was once again thankful that even though we have notably struggled this year, GOD has given us what we need.

I hate the cold, I don't like snow, and I despise ice, all three of which I had to contend with in my little excursion to Kroger.  But even there I found something to be grateful for.  I thought of an acquaintance I have in Alaska where the winter temperatures get to 40 below zero, and I was grateful that I live in Illinois, where as I thought this all through I realized that warm weather is only about 90 days away!!

And, finally this evening as I put our traditional New Years dinner of pork, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage in the oven, I thought once again about all the things I have, and how thankful I am for all of them.

Rich and I will never be wealthy, but we will always be rich.  First we have each other, next we have family that we dearly love, we have jobs that we don't hate, we have friends that we care about and care about us, and we have all the necessities of life; a home, food, clothing, vehicles.

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions.  My definition of resolution in this case is promise.  Many people make resolutions (or promises) they can't keep.  And, if whatever on New Years Day you do, that you'll do the whole year through, is true, why would anyone want to spend their year making promises they can't keep?

So, rather then end this with a promise, I'm going to share with you my GOALS.

My GOAL for the new year is to TRY and be a good person, a good wife, a good daughter, sister, step-mom, gramma, and friend.

Another GOAL for this new year is I am going to TRY and always remember what GOD has given me in my salvation, and to spend more days like today, noticing what I have instead of what I don't have, and being grateful for all of it.

To all those who read this, I challenge you to be grateful as well.  Count your blessings, and find the good in your life.  If you do, you will surely find that most times the good out-weighs the bad.

God Bless
Happy New Year