This year the make shift greenhouse is about three times bigger than it was last year, the reason, we have twice as many plants, and those plants are about twice as tall as they should be.
In spite of the size of it, I think it is going to be a tight fit to get 217 plants under that shelter, but for Rich where there is a will there is a way.
He builds the greenhouse using a porch swing frame, clear plastic, and concrete slabs and blocks.
150 years ago the land our house sits on was an orchard, and the house to the south of ours was the original farm house.
When they bulldozed in the apple trees, the owners of the property used fill from excavation sites to level the ground.
Since moving here in 2002, I think Rich has dug up enough concrete to line a nice sized driveway!!
Last year our neighbors to the north of us took a bunch of it off our hands to use as stepping stones between their house and garage, and there was still enough for Rich to use to weigh down the edges of the plastic.
So, anyway, today is moving day. I hope he's not being too optimistic about the weather. It would be bad to have those plants get too cold. However, he says that we can roll one of the electric heaters inside there and warm it up if we need to. Let's hope we don't need to.
Moving the plants of course means that we'll be able to get the bedrooms back in order. Right now the futon is unfolded and in the middle of the bed room with the mattress pulled off and stored away. If you look at the background of the pictures you can see that this bedroom is the one we call the "racing room". It has all of our racing stuff in there. We have primarily Dale Senior and Dale Junior, but I have managed to sneak some Tony Stewart and Mikey Waltrip in there too!
So, out they go through the garage and onto the patio, then into their new house!!
Hopefully, they will settle in nicely and start their "hardening" process.